DP: The House that Writing Built

“Writing Room,” hell!  If I find a genie to grant me a wish, I’m gonna have that motherfucker build me a whole house!

It would be in a remote location in the middle of nature somewhere.  Rustic, inviting, inspiring.  It’d look something like this:

Open air and a fire place? I think, yes!

Open air and a fire place? I think, yes!

The “veranda” (sounds much more stylish and conducive to writing than “porch”) would be the perfect place for temperate weather and chain smoking which I love to do when I write or read.  When I used to smoke more heavily, and indoors, my poor keyboard was littered with ashes from cigarettes I forgot to ash as I pattered away at the keys.

Inside would be cozy, but spacious, and well-stocked with wine.  And a hot tub.  Of  course there’d be a hot tub.  Writing is strenuous work.


Oh shit, oh shit! nevermind!

Oh shit, oh shit! Nevermind!

Work In Progress- Pen and Pencil Sketch

Medium: Mixed Media PaperGraphite Pencil HB, “Sharpie” Fine Point Pen

work in progress- pen and pencil ©alienredqueen

source image

The sketch is turning out pretty good, considering I don’t do architecture usually…  But the sketch pales in comparison to the beauty of all this green…