Rest In Peace, Plutarch

I love all the people slinging shit around Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death. Yes, he was a junkie! Yes, he had small children that needed him. But I all these people judging him like, “He should have just stayed clean…” (really?) are just showing how ignorant they are about the struggle of addiction.
I read in an article recently that, when asked how bad his problem was, he claimed he knew he would die soon if he couldn’t get clean. He tried to get clean, going to AA and rehab more than once. He actually remained cleaned for quite a while, a stretch of (I think) around 20 years. And he clearly was no longer using for the “fun of it.” He was suffering with his addiction, and his story, right up to his “death prediction,” reminds me once again of Layne Staley– another brilliant artist who suffered and lost his battle with addiction.
So I wish people would stop being so damn high and mighty, especially about things I’m betting most of them have never battled themselves. At the very least, if they have nothing “nice” to say, they should just refrain from commenting at all.
The air must be really nice up on that high horse. ~smh

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Philip Seymour Hoffman as Plutarch Heavensbee

Addendum: People I’d Have an Affair With (Fall 2012)

I knew I’d forgotten some important people in my recent article on “people I’d have an affair with,” and today I found a list I’d started several weeks ago for a very similar article I was intending to write on unlikely celeb crushes and celebs that are older but still got it going on.  I’d intended to separate the “candidates” into two main groups.  The categories were simple, and had the potential for overlap and allowed for the subjective opinions on the part of my readers.  Category One: “Oldies but Goodies” (think Harrison Ford, Sam Elliot, Liam Neeson) and Category 2: “The Not Hot Hot” guys (Adrian Brody, Tim Roth, Nic Cage, etc.)

Arguably, the following men may fall under one or both of the previous categories, depending on subjective opinion.

1) Alan Rickman– In more films than you can shake a stick at, Rickman has been on the scene with his dulcet voice and acerbic wit since he was…a much younger man.  Whether or not you still find him attractive, you can’t deny his talent.

Alan Rickman (January Man)

Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films)

2) Clancy Brown–  Another veteran actor, Brown has been in innumerable films and television programs.  He pulls off his characters with singular intensity.  You might remember him from some of his more iconic roles, such as the Kurgan in the first Highlander film and The Shawshank Redemption, or the demonic dramatic Brother Justin in the HBO series Carnivale.   But if that’s not enough to convince you, despite his fame and prestige, he’s still not too proud or self-important to be the voice talent behind countless animated shows for kids.  You have to love Clancy.  Come on, he’s Mr Krabs!

Clancy Brown (The Kurgan)

“Brother Justin” (Carnivale)

Mr. Krabs

Well, as always, thanks for slogging through all my silly pontification.  Now off to bed with me so I can dream about hot older men…or something.