Talk and Die

Ever hear the story of the little kid who tripped over his own feet, took a tumble, got up and ran off to play…and then died later that night?  Remember Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson’s unlucky wife who took a seemingly insignificant spill while skiing, seemed okay, and refused treatment…and ended up dying later on?

See?  This is why I’m so cautious and wary of head injuries, even minor bumps on the head…especially when it involves my child.  Maybe sometimes I seem like I’m paranoid, or a hypochondriac; probably I am.  They (whoever “they” are) also say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.  So maybe it’s a combination of too much knowledge and too much anxiety (and too little Valium.)

Once, I was in a car accident, rear-ended by some bitch in an SUV.  I don’t just say that cuz she hit me; she actually was a bitch.  I wasn’t really hurt, but I got an almost immediate migraine.  So I had rode in the ambo, strapped to a backboard, to the ER.  The doctors didn’t even seem to think a CAT scan was necessary, but I made them do one. (It was kind of funny; I mentioned something about meningeal tears or something and the doctor gave me this stupid look and that was the end of the discussion.)  It ended up being not much more than really sever whiplash which set off a migraine…but it could have been serious.

It’s called “talk and die syndrome,” and it’s a sneaky bastard.  

They may not show signs of concussion or cranial bleeding, and they may be talking and have no difficulty walking or have other symptoms of neural damage. However, as the condition progresses, the person gets suddenly much worse, and damage at this point may be too significant to cure. In these cases, people go from talking and seeming fine, to comas or unconsciousness, from which they may not recover.  (source)

There are actually a few different types of injuries that can result in talk and die; the syndrome itself is more of a result than a cause of death from head injury, and is also known by the term lucid interval.  

One of the main causes is arterial dissection, resulting in an epidural hematoma, which in turn puts pressure on the brain as it grows in size.  Sometimes minor arterial tears can result in blood clots that could eventually cause a stroke.  People who are on aspirin or blood thinners may be at a higher risk for more serious injuries.

These types of head injuries may be comparable to or resulting from the types of contrecoup injuries sustained by people in automobile accidents who are traveling at great speeds and come to an abrupt stop (usually against an immovable object.)

Most fatalities are the result of relatively high speed impact (probably greater than 27 mph) with a fixed object (like a tree). (source.)

Basically, your brain smacks around inside your skull.

Fatalities from head injuries of these types can sometimes be prevented if the damage is caught early on.  Sometimes, fatalities can occur even with early detection.  Your best bet if you have any doubts or fears after a fall, collision, or similar injury is to be evaluated.  In the event that you decide not to be evaluated, recognizing the symptoms of a possible brain injury is critical.

Nausea, severe headache, glossy eyes, sudden sleepiness, are all common symptoms. Getting to a hospital within the first few hours is critical to prevent permanent brain damage, experts say… Immediate treatment is essential after a brain injury because the initial damage caused by swelling often is irreversible. (source)

So there’s your daily dose of info from me, plus some fuel for your hypochondria.  But seriously, it pays to play it safe with your brain.  Literally.  The human body is complex, strong and yet fragile.  Some people survived terrible accidents– shootings, stabbings, fire.  They have suffered terrible injuries to their bodies, and have made recoveries that were nothing short of miraculous, defying the odds simply by living.  Jacqueline Saburido was hit by a drunk driver and trapped in her burning car for almost a minute and suffered burns to 60% of her body.   Other people have died from seemingly insignificant mishaps or injuries.  Rita Johnson died of brain injury after being hit on the head with a falling hair dryer.  Howard Hawks suffered brain injury after tripping over his dog.

Bottom line is when in doubt, get checked out…and don’t let other people make you feel foolish for “being a worrywart” or a hypochondria.  You only get one life.

Addendum to the Addendum: Some Sexy Old Men

Haha!  I just realized how this must sound to anyone who’s ever read anything about my Senile Stalker.  He’s creepy, wobbly, pushy, OAF (that’s old as fuck,) and he still thinks he’s got game.  Did I mention he’s creepy?

But there are some hot older guys that are definitely crush-worthy, in a “he could be my sugar daddy” kind of way.  Here are a few men who meet my definition of “sexy old men.”  See if you agree.

*“old men” in this case refer to men older than 50 (and in most cases, older than 60), but definitely not near 80 like my senile stalker.

Liam Neeson, age 60

Liam Neesonage 60

Oh, Hannibal Smith, you so sexy!

Chris Meloni, age 51

Chris Meloniage 51

Handcuff me, Elliot!

Mark Harmon, age 61

I'd be on his six all day!

I’d be on his six all day!

Richard Gere, age 63

Pretty Mothman?

Pretty Mothman?

Now I know I’m not alone, here.  Who wants to admit to a little alphamegamia?

Who are your “sexy old man (or women)” crushes?

Addendum: People I’d Have an Affair With (Fall 2012)

I knew I’d forgotten some important people in my recent article on “people I’d have an affair with,” and today I found a list I’d started several weeks ago for a very similar article I was intending to write on unlikely celeb crushes and celebs that are older but still got it going on.  I’d intended to separate the “candidates” into two main groups.  The categories were simple, and had the potential for overlap and allowed for the subjective opinions on the part of my readers.  Category One: “Oldies but Goodies” (think Harrison Ford, Sam Elliot, Liam Neeson) and Category 2: “The Not Hot Hot” guys (Adrian Brody, Tim Roth, Nic Cage, etc.)

Arguably, the following men may fall under one or both of the previous categories, depending on subjective opinion.

1) Alan Rickman– In more films than you can shake a stick at, Rickman has been on the scene with his dulcet voice and acerbic wit since he was…a much younger man.  Whether or not you still find him attractive, you can’t deny his talent.

Alan Rickman (January Man)

Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films)

2) Clancy Brown–  Another veteran actor, Brown has been in innumerable films and television programs.  He pulls off his characters with singular intensity.  You might remember him from some of his more iconic roles, such as the Kurgan in the first Highlander film and The Shawshank Redemption, or the demonic dramatic Brother Justin in the HBO series Carnivale.   But if that’s not enough to convince you, despite his fame and prestige, he’s still not too proud or self-important to be the voice talent behind countless animated shows for kids.  You have to love Clancy.  Come on, he’s Mr Krabs!

Clancy Brown (The Kurgan)

“Brother Justin” (Carnivale)

Mr. Krabs

Well, as always, thanks for slogging through all my silly pontification.  Now off to bed with me so I can dream about hot older men…or something.