Addendum: People I’d Have an Affair With (Fall 2012)

I knew I’d forgotten some important people in my recent article on “people I’d have an affair with,” and today I found a list I’d started several weeks ago for a very similar article I was intending to write on unlikely celeb crushes and celebs that are older but still got it going on.  I’d intended to separate the “candidates” into two main groups.  The categories were simple, and had the potential for overlap and allowed for the subjective opinions on the part of my readers.  Category One: “Oldies but Goodies” (think Harrison Ford, Sam Elliot, Liam Neeson) and Category 2: “The Not Hot Hot” guys (Adrian Brody, Tim Roth, Nic Cage, etc.)

Arguably, the following men may fall under one or both of the previous categories, depending on subjective opinion.

1) Alan Rickman– In more films than you can shake a stick at, Rickman has been on the scene with his dulcet voice and acerbic wit since he was…a much younger man.  Whether or not you still find him attractive, you can’t deny his talent.

Alan Rickman (January Man)

Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films)

2) Clancy Brown–  Another veteran actor, Brown has been in innumerable films and television programs.  He pulls off his characters with singular intensity.  You might remember him from some of his more iconic roles, such as the Kurgan in the first Highlander film and The Shawshank Redemption, or the demonic dramatic Brother Justin in the HBO series Carnivale.   But if that’s not enough to convince you, despite his fame and prestige, he’s still not too proud or self-important to be the voice talent behind countless animated shows for kids.  You have to love Clancy.  Come on, he’s Mr Krabs!

Clancy Brown (The Kurgan)

“Brother Justin” (Carnivale)

Mr. Krabs

Well, as always, thanks for slogging through all my silly pontification.  Now off to bed with me so I can dream about hot older men…or something.

The Kurgan – The Original Rock Fashionista?

All the same person? 

Robin Finck

The Kurgan

Twiggy Ramirez

and finally, my friend Fil, now probably better known as Abbey Nex

Hey, if you can’t see the similarities, I don’t know what to tell ya.  Robin Finck was posted first, because it was while watching the NIN March of the Pigs video that this train of thought first began to derail.  Although, in all fairness, The Kurgan would have to get the credit for being the trendsetter here, as he was born in, like, 1008BC.   And please don’t think I’m poking fun (although I am having fun!)  I love all of these guys for different reasons…aaaaaand maybe I also have a little thing for tall, lean guys with long, dark hair and no eyebrows.  I blame Marilyn Manson.  Why not?  He won’t mind.  Everyone else blames him for everything anyway!